2025 Webinar Series with St. Louis County Library
February 19 - October 15
Wednesday, February 19, 2:00 p.m.
Front Yard Rain Gardens
Allegra Pierce - Pretty City Gardens & Landscapes
Increased stormwater runoff in our city contributes to water pollution and soil erosion. You can landscape your yard with native plants for both beauty and function to help retain water on your property. In this session, we will dive into native plant selection for water conservation and will discuss elements of rain garden construction and design.
Wednesday, March 5, 2:00 p.m.
Native Garden Design Panel
This panel discussion moderated by Jean Ponzi features three experts with unique knowledge and experience in designing beautiful and functional landscapes with native plants.
Susie Van de Riet - St. Louis Native Plants
Gabe Presley - DTLS Landscape Architecture
Scott Woodbury - Cacalia Design
Wednesday, March 19, 2:00 p.m.
Monarchs and Mosquitoes: Control the Pests, Protect the Pollinators
Jean Ponzi - Earthways Center
Control the pests, protect our pollinators and educate your neighbors! Insect ecology - and your mobile phone - are keys to healthy outdoor habitat for all.
Wednesday, April 2, 2:00 p.m.
Community Care & Conservation: How to Transform Vacant Lots Into Neighborhood Green Spaces
Aisha Muhammad - Missouri Department of Conservation
Having nature close to home allows both human communities and the natural environment to thrive. By implementing conservation practices and increasing native biodiversity, people can enjoy the beauty and benefits of the outdoors, reduce flooding, improve air quality, and reduce temperatures. Join this session to discover the steps, tools, and practices to revitalize vacant spaces in a neighborhood-centric way.
Wednesday, April 16, 2:00 p.m.
Pollinator Powerhouses & Keystone Plant Species
Vivian Bouse - Shaw Nature Reserve
This presentation will discuss the importance of including native keystone plants in your home landscapes. Keystone plants provide necessary sources of food and shelter to butterflies, moths, and bees and benefit birds and other wildlife. Learn about the role native plants play in our ecosystem and how you can garden with them.
Wednesday, April 30, 2:00 p.m.
Oh, Deer: Dealing with Unwanted Guests in Your Landscape
Nancy Newcomer & Diane Donovan, Missouri Master Naturalists
Tips and tricks for creating and maintaining a native garden in a community with a high deer population.
Wednesday, May 21, 2:00 p.m.
SEEDS! Cultivating Native Seeds in the Landscape
Rachel Williams - Missouri Department of Conservation
An overview of seed dispersal mechanisms, types of seed and dormancies, and preparing the seed and landscape for small-scale home projects!
Wednesday, September 17, 2:00 p.m.
No Yard Too Small: Missouri Native Trees and Shrubs for Your Urban Landscape
Billy Haag - Forest ReLeaf
Not all urban lots have room for a large canopy tree, but that doesn’t mean you have to remove trees from your planting pallet. Here we will take a look through a diversity of smaller Missouri Native Trees and Shrubs that are well suited for an urban landscape.
Wednesday, October 1, 2:00 p.m.
Consequences of Change: How Climate Impacts Native Plants in the Saint Louis Region
Dr. Matt Austin, Curator for Biodiversity Data | Missouri Botanical Garden
Climate change is reshaping ecosystems, and the responses of native plants are some of the clearest signs of this transformation. Join us to explore how the Missouri Botanical Garden is studying these changes in our local flora, including at Shaw Nature Reserve and by analyzing a century and a half of herbarium specimens.
Wednesday, October 15, 2:00 p.m.
Native Gardening Maintenance Tips, Tricks & Hacks
Simon Barker - Barker Horticultural Services, Grow Native!
Some ideas that will help keep you, your neighbors and your landscape happy and fun.